CPR Certification Blog | Learn Life-Saving Skills Online



Who Needs CPR Training In Healthcare and Who Does Not

In the healthcare world, CPR training is like a superhero skill—it can save lives when seconds count. ...

What To Do If Someone Is Choking On Water?

An individual can choke on water during swimming, drinking, or any other day-to-day activity. Over 500...

What are bloodborne pathogens?

Bloodborne pathogens pose serious risks to healthcare workers, first responders, and others who may co...
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August 28, 2024

Warning signs of stroke: Early detection saves lives

Common stroke symptoms include a drooping face, difficulty speaking, and facial numbness. At times, fe...

Understanding Compression to Ventilation Ratios for Infants

Did you know that improper CPR can reduce an infant’s chance of survival by 50%? Understanding the cor...

Understanding First Aid: Essential Skills for Everyone to Learn

What is First aid? First aid is the immediate care given to someone who is injured or ill before profe...

The Science of Drowning: What Happens to the Body Underwater?

The science of drowning throws light on the complexities that arise when a body is submerged in water....
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August 28, 2024

Common Risks of Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure for Healthcare Workers

Healthcare workers stay at the forefront of patient care. It is extremely common for them to face vari...
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September 5, 2024

How to prepare for a CPR certification exam?

Nearly 70% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen in homes. Being equipped with cardiopulmonary res...
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September 5, 2024

Mastering High Quality CPR: Essential Techniques and Tips

What if you could be the key to saving a life in a critical moment? Learning high-quality CPR is cruci...
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August 28, 2024

Key Differences Between Online And Classroom BLS Certification 

A recent study suggests a surge in online medical education, with a 30% increase in the demand for onl...
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August 28, 2024

How to Treat Hot Water Burn Injury?

Every year, thousands of people get hot water burn injuries, resulting in complications. The burning f...
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September 9, 2024

Agonal Breathing: How to Spot It & What to Do

Agonal breathing is a critical sign of a life-threatening medical emergency because it is characterize...
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September 9, 2024

How long is first aid certification good for?

First training is a mandatory certification that equips individuals with essential skills that can sav...
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September 9, 2024

Top Common First Aid Myths and Facts

In the world of first aid, misinformation can be dangerous. This article debunks 10 common first-aid m...
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September 10, 2024

First Aid for Sports Injuries: 5 Common Injuries and Their Treatment

Sports injuries are very common in physical activities and they often arise from sudden impacts, overu...
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September 9, 2024

First Aid for Choking: Essential Steps to Save Lives

Did you know that in the United States of America, around 76,000 deaths occur from choking? Choking is...
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September 9, 2024

CPR Ventilation Rate: The Essential Guide for All Ages

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a critical skill that can help save lives during emergencies. To perf...
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September 9, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Infant CPR Ratios

As a parent or caregiver, one of the scariest things that can happen is when a baby stops breathing. I...
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September 9, 2024

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