About American CPR Care Association

American CPR Care Association provides training in online CPR certification, AED training, and Standard First Aid for lay-responders and Healthcare Providers. Our First-Aid Certification programs and CPR and First-Aid renewal courses are aligned with the 2020 ECC guidelines. Our OSHA-compliant Bloodborne Pathogens certification course is intended for any individual who may come into contact with blood or blood-containing materials at the workplace. Our Instructors are always accessible and provide excellent services to all of our clients. We place incredible importance on customer service.

who we are

Our online CPR course First Aid certifications, Healthcare Provider CPR class, and Bloodborne Pathogens certification course can be accessed from anywhere. Our classes provide instant CPR First-Aid certification available for your employer as soon as you finish the course. Whether you enroll in our Infant, Child, or Adult CPR certification, AED Training, First Aid and Bloodborne Pathogens courses, we ensure immediate and convenient access to your credentials. Our online and blended First Aid, Bloodborne, and CPR classes are a combination of online course and instructor-based demonstrations – popular alternatives to the traditional class format.

Our new online CPR, AED and First Aid training classes offer high-quality online instruction for people who prefer not to spend 4-9 hours in a classroom.

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Our Adult, Child and Infant CPR, online AED training, and First Aid classes follow the latest ECC 2020 standards for course material. These guidelines are mandated by most states for CPR certification. Our classes are recognized by government organizations, schools, hospitals, nursing homes and many other institutions that require CPR and First Aid certifications.

Our instructors are highly qualified in their field of expertise and provide outstanding support for all student needs.

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Adult, Child and Infant CPR

3 Simple Steps to get CPR Certified:

How easy is earning your fast CPR First-Aid online certification? Extremely. In 3 simple steps, you can become fully certified in one of our 100 percent online medical training courses.

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Choose Your Program

  • Online or Blended Learning Programs
  • Nationally accepted courses
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Pass the test

  • Online course and quiz
  • Hands-on skills assessment if applicable
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Print your certification!


It’s really that simple and convenient to become fully certified or recertified in CPR or other medical training courses. And they can all be completed 100 percent online. What’s better than having an entire class brought straight to you?

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Why Choose American CPR Care Association?

We’ve had the privilege to help people gain life-saving skills for years and we tailor our unique classes with you in mind. Becoming certified in CPR should be accessible and convenient, which is why we’ve designed our online courses to meet the individual needs of any student.

Whether you’re a medical professional, paramedic, nurse, or someone who simply wants to be a more enabled bystander, our fully online classes let you learn on your schedule.

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At American CPR Care Association, we are dedicated to our mission of enabling as many people as possible with life-saving skills. Over our years of experience, we continually stay true to our core values:

Saving Lives

Saving Lives

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Commitment to Excellence

Commitment to Excellence

Promoting Acts of Good Samaritan

Promoting Acts of Good Samaritan

Qualified and Responsible Instruction

Qualified and Responsible Instruction

Our Course Offerings

Infant, Child, and Adult CPR/AED Courses: learn the steps of CPR for all ages and sharpen your cardiac emergency response skills. Then learn how to safely and effectively operate an automated external defibrillator (AED).