Depending on preferred certification course or class learning requirements, students can select either our blended CPR course or online-only learning programs. They will learn the course of their choice at their pace, and it is also free of cost. We recommend our blended program if hands-on CPR learning is required and our online-only program if you are simply looking for online certification or recertification in CPR to maintain and update the credentials. The CPR course training near you is more comprehensive when students opt for Basic Life Support or BLS course online. You learn the right CPR steps from the course curriculum. There are also video lessons given for clear demonstrations to perform CPR and save lives.
Cardiac arrest situations can happen anytime to anyone in the USA because of several health issues. Having knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR helps someone save a patient’s life and improve or increase their chance of survival.
For this reason and many others, which you learn in the free online CPR class, CPR techniques are lifessaving and help you be the Good Samaritan at all times.
The courses available on our platform comply with the standards set by OSHA and ECC. You can view our course topics and curriculum on First Aid and CPR by visiting our Course Demo page. Get the right idea from there and start learning to save a life whenever you can!
First Aid
We provide discounted certification rates for groups of 5 or more. When you register as a group, you will be provided an Account Executive to help you with your certification requirements.
American CPR Care Association provides training in online CPR certification, AED training and Standard First Aid for lay-responders and Healthcare Providers.
American CPR Care Association is rated 4.7 out of 5 based on 48,237 ratings.
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