Money Back Guarantee at CPRCare: Ensuring Your Satisfaction
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Money Back Guarantee and Refunds

Refunds Terms and Conditions

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The American CPR Care Association is recognized nationwide, and our certification cards are widely accepted. If American CPR Care Association certification does not comply with your requirements, we will issue a full refund when you can confirm your denial. If you are not satisfied with the content that we have available within our courses, it is your responsibility to stop using our website. We cannot refund you for a course that you have already completed.

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Once you pass the quiz and are able to print your wallet card, we will not offer any refunds. We will provide refunds if your employer / institution does not accept our online course, and if this denial can be confirmed.

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Request for refunds MUST be sent via email within 30 days of course payment. A student has access to the full course content once payment is received to verify the course and meets their requirements. Email must include: Your Full Name, mailing address, email, phone number, email of rejecting company as well as the reason for the refund request.

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We do not refund shipping charges. Also, if you are having technical difficulties please contact us and we will gladly answer any questions. Please do not request a refund if you are simply having technical issues.