How Long Does It Take to Renew CPR Certification?
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How Long is a CPR Recertification Class?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, more commonly known as CPR, is one of the most important life-saving procedures that anyone can learn. CPR can be used for those suffering from cardiac arrest and other medical emergencies, and often, proves to be the difference between life and death. In the United States, over 475,000 lives are lost to cardiac arrest every single year. If more people were CPR certified and CPR recertified, countless lives could be saved. In addition to CPR certification, it’s also critical for individuals to regularly take CPR recertification courses. CPR techniques are constantly being studied and improved, which is why it’s important to stay current with your knowledge and skills. CPR certification only lasts for a limited amount of time, ensuring that individuals will continue to learn and improve their life-saving skills. At the American CPR Care Association, we believe that everyone should have access to professional, convenient, and affordable CPR certification courses. We also believe in making CPR recertification easy and convenient so that you can stay up to date with the most recent medical knowledge and techniques. Our comprehensive and 100 percent online courses allow you to earn your certification or recertification without ever leaving the comfort of your home. Our full range of accessible and affordable classes make it possible for anyone to learn these life-saving skills. In this blog, we take a closer look at the standard time needed to receive your CPR recertification. Through online CPR courses, most people are amazed at how fast they can receive their CPR certification or CPR recertification. We also run through some of the benefits of learning these important skills through online classes.

Why should I become CPR certified?

Whether you learn adult CPR, child CPR, or infant CPR, this type of medical training is useful and important for everyone. Find out the difference between child and adult CPR. Even if you’ve never envisioned yourself working in the healthcare field, bystander CPR is critical because hundreds of thousands of cardiac arrest episodes occur outside of hospitals every year. CPR can be used to help victims of cardiac arrest, electrocution, smoke inhalation, suffocation, or near-drowning events. When the heart is unable to function, CPR helps keep blood circulating throughout the body. This allows oxygen to reach the brain and other vital organs. CPR is critical in the minutes before medical personnel arrives at the scene of an emergency. In fact, studies show that a cardiac arrest victim’s survival rate drops by 10 to 15 percent for every minute that passes without receiving CPR. In these medical emergencies, every second truly counts. Additionally, CPR certification is a requirement for many professions. Doctors and nurses are required to be professionally trained and certified in a wide range of medical procedures, including CPR. However, many non-medical jobs, such as firefighters, police officers, coaches, childcare workers, and even electricians, also need to be CPR certified.

How long does CPR certification last?

Regardless of where you earn your CPR certification, your course completion cards are valid for two years. This two-year limit is meant to ensure that individuals will recertify to stay current on any advancements in CPR training. Initially, it might seem strange that this procedure could change over time. But anyone who knows the differences between now and when was CPR invented will certainly understand the important improvements made to this technique. For example, some of the most recent changes in CPR training have been the inclusion of COVID-19 protocols.

How long is a CPR recertification class?

The length of your CPR recertification class depends entirely on your method of learning. Traditional, in-person courses can take weeks or even months since the schedule is already established and needs to work for a full class of students. Essentially, this means that you, the student, have little to no control over the schedule and pacing of the classes. While this may work for many individuals, it can be challenging for those, like medical students or working professionals. If you can’t afford to wait for your CPR recertification, consider taking an online CPR course. Online CPR classes are designed to fit your unique needs and schedule. You can take these classes as fast (or as slow) as your schedule allows. This makes online CPR classes ideal for people who need certification fast or is already working full time. With an online CPR recertification course, you can dive right into your lessons and get your recertification within a matter of hours. That’s right—just hours.

Benefits of online CPR certification and recertification?

Whether you’re looking to enroll in a CPR certification course, CPR/AED certification, or a First Aid course, there are several benefits to taking these classes online. Here are some of the most popular benefits for this model of learning: 1. Fast. As previously discussed, there’s no faster way to earn your CPR certification or CPR recertification than through online classes. These classes are designed to fit your schedule, which means that, once you’ve registered, you can start as soon as possible. Many individuals even complete their CPR recertification within a matter of days or even hours. 2. Convenient. It’s hard to match the convenience offered by 100 percent online CPR recertification classes. This type of learning is designed to fit your needs, schedule, and comfort level. Instead of having to drive out to a recreation center twice a week, online classes allow you to learn from your own home. Additionally, you can start and stop these classes at any time, which means you can learn at your desired pace. 3. Affordable. Compared to traditional, in-person classes, online options are usually much more affordable. Since online classes don’t have to rent out rooms or hire more instructors, they can pass on those savings to their students. Additionally, you can often bundle your classes. Learning CPR with First Aid(or perhaps a unit on CPR/AED) can save you both time and money. 4. Instant proof of certification. Once you’ve passed your final quiz, there’s nothing left to do—you’re CPR certified. You can then instantly download and print off your CPR certification card, which serves as proof of your nationally recognized certification. This instant verification makes online courses ideal for individuals, like medical students, who need certification fast.


If you need your CPR certification or CPR recertification fast, online classes are definitely worth checking out. These courses are fast, convenient, and often more affordable than the traditional model of classes. Additionally, online classes allow you to instantly print off proof of certification once you’ve passed your course. Receiving your CPR certification and recertification will always be important. Especially now that anyone can earn their certification through 100 percent online classes, it’s easier than ever to gain these skills. Taking an online CPR certification course can ensure that you’re able to offer life-saving help if you find yourself in a medical emergency. Additionally, by keeping up with your CPR recertification, you can ensure that you are up-to-date with the latest CPR and CPR/AED advancements. If you’re interested in what a CPR certification course can do for you and your career, check out the American CPR Care Association blog. You can also always reach out to us via our contact page for more information. We look forward to providing you with the skills and knowledge necessary to potentially help save a life.

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