Chapter 3: CAB CPR Method | American CPR Care Association ...

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chapter 3 : C-A-B

ECC and AHA 2010 updates changed the CPR sequence from A-B-C to C-A-B. Often in the A-B-C method chest compressions were delayed. With the new Compressions – Airway – Breathing method a victim receives compressions faster, providing quicker critical blood flow to the vital organs.

The sequence of steps for conducting CPR using the C-A-B method (detailed further in following chapters):

    1. “C” for Compressions
  • Rate of compressions: Give at least 100-120 compressions per minute in cycles of 30 compressions and 2 breaths (30:2).
  • Depth of compressions: detailed in following chapters for adult, child and infant
  • Chest recoil is vital after each chest compression.
    1. “A” for Airway
  • Open the airway with the head-tilt chin-lift motion.
    1. “B” for Breathing
  • 2 rescue breaths

2020 Interim Guidance for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients:

In these times when everyone is being affected by the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), many healthcare providers have limited access to adequate PPE.

Below are the primary interim changes to CPR during COVID-19 times.

PPE should be put on before assisting patients in cardiac arrest.

For Adults:

  • Perform at least hands-only CPR after the cardiac arrest event identified
  • face mask or a cloth that covers the mouth and nose of the healthcare provider and/or victim may reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission to a non-household bystander

For Children:

  • Start chest compressions and give mouth-to-mouth rescue breaths
  • face mask or cloth that covers the mouth and nose of the healthcare provider and/or victim may reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission to a non-household bystander.

2015 Chest Compression Update

Per the 2015 updates, you should deliver at least 100 to 120 chest compressions per minute (previous rate was 100 compressions / minute). Recent science indicates that more compressions lead to a higher survival rate. This new update sets an upper limit for the chest compression rate, as excessive compressions and depth can adversely affect a patient’s outcome.

2014 Hands-Only CPR

The Hands-Only steps of CPR is generally used on teens or adults who suddenly collapse when you encounter them. This is CPR method which does not include the rescue breaths.

You would need to:

  1. Call 9-1-1 and stay on the phone with the paramedics
  2. Push hard and fast to start chest compressions. Hands-only method is effective even when individuals have been trained in CPR before but may not remember all the steps of conventional CPR.

*The Good Samaritan Law is intended to reduce bystanders’ hesitation to assist in an emergency.