Health Tips - Page 2


Warning signs of stroke: Early detection saves lives

Common stroke symptoms include a drooping face, difficulty speaking, and facial numbness. At times, fe...
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August 28, 2024

The Science of Drowning: What Happens to the Body Underwater?

The science of drowning throws light on the complexities that arise when a body is submerged in water....
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August 28, 2024

Common Risks of Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure for Healthcare Workers

Healthcare workers stay at the forefront of patient care. It is extremely common for them to face vari...
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August 28, 2024

Agonal Breathing: How to Spot It & What to Do

Agonal breathing is a critical sign of a life-threatening medical emergency because it is characterize...
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August 28, 2024

All About Pulse Rate: All You Need to Know

Heart rate, or pulse rate, is the number of times your heart beats in a minute. Everyone’s heart rate ...
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August 28, 2024

The Advantages Of Recertifying n Basic Life Support

In emergency medical care, BLS or Basic Life Support is considered to be the...

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August 28, 2024

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies

In times of medical emergencies, natural disasters or conflicts, most people...

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May 24, 2023

How Does A PALS Course Certification Help You Understand ADHD In Kids Better?

If you want to help kids who have ADHD, it's important to know how to recognize and manage their sympt...
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April 24, 2023

HIPAA Certification: Understanding the Benefits & Requirements

Let's read about the overview on HIPAA certification to get more clarity on the same topic. Do you ...
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April 13, 2023

Public Panic Attack: Helping Someone in Need

Panic attacks may be an overwhelming experience for absolutely everyon...
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April 05, 2023

Guide to asthma attacks and their treatment with CPR

Asthma is a respiratory disorder that impacts hundreds of Americans daily an...

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April 04, 2023

Is It Anxiety or Hyperventilation? Knowing the Difference for Better Breath Control

Have you ever felt like you were out of breath, even when you weren't doing ...

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March 28, 2023

Can I be charged if the person I perform CPR on does not survive?

Make a difference and save a life with CPR certification! If you're looking ...

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March 10, 2023

How to Implement BLS Training in Schools for a Safer Future?

One person dies every 34 seconds due to heart disease in the United States. ...

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February 23, 2023

How Do You Handle Cardiac Arrest at Home?

Did you know that every year about Read More »

February 15, 2023

7 Ways To Ease Seasonal Depression

What is seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? Have you heard of it? Do you get ...

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January 06, 2023

First Aid Tips for Helping Someone Having a Seizure

Everyone should know what to do if they notice someone having a seizure. Fir...

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December 23, 2022

Food Poisoning: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Many of us may not know this, but food-borne outbreaks are responsible for m...

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December 14, 2022

What are the After Care Measures for Stroke Patients at Home?

It's not easy caring for stroke patients recovering at home. It needs extrem...

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December 07, 2022

Easy Steps for Taking Care of an Elderly Parent in Your Home

As our parents age, we find ourselves taking on their caregiving duties. It ...

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November 28, 2022

Tips to Handle Food Allergy Situations at Home

Food allergies can be fatal. However, not all reactions to food allergies re...

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November 18, 2022

CPR Training Updates for COVID-19

2020 Interim Guidance for Resuscitation

In an attempt to reduce provider exposure to COVID-...

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April 20, 2020

Your Health During COVID-19


COVID-19: Coronavirus Health Tips



The health and safety of the Amer...

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April 20, 2020

Administering Life Support — Tips to Deal with Adult Victims

Emergencies happen unannounced. They can happen to anyone regardless of time or current location. Thou...
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January 13, 2020

Guide for Combating a Heart Attack While Alone

When you begin to experience chest pain and suspect that you are having a heart attack, seek help imme...
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June 26, 2018

Six Pieces of Advice If You’re Headed To A Warm Vacation

Summer is a great time for a fun vacation and relaxation at the beach. If you are thinking of trave...

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May 11, 2018

Cardiac Emergencies at Home: Your Family’s Lifesaving Action Plan

No one can predict when a cardiac arrest will exactly occur. Preparedness in such an emergency is a...

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March 13, 2018