5 Common Emergencies and 10 Tips to Respond to Emergencies
Emergency CPR Training

Last Updated On: septiembre 25, 2024

The Best Ways to Respond to An Emergency Situation

There are times when you find yourself in an emergency situation and not knowing what to do can be detrimental. It can often be overwhelming too. Online CPR certifications can help you prepare for emergencies. CPR Care offers online and blended learning CPR courses. If you prefer hands-on training then you should opt for blended method.

Also, you should always remember that even though your goal is to help, your safety should always come first. This means that you should ensure that you are not putting yourself at risk while helping others. Online CPR courses will provide an in-depth knowledge of what you can do when you find yourself in such a situation. In the meantime, let’s look at how you can handle an emergency situation the right way.

5 Common Emergencies and What to Do

Dizziness and Fainting 

You should first check alertness after someone faints. There can be many factors that can cause dizziness and fainting and some victims will be more responsive than others. If they respond to your initial questioning, you should continue communicating with them to determine their level of orientation. 

If they become unresponsive, check for a pulse and to see if they’re still breathing. If you’re by yourself, you should try to find someone nearby to help. If the victim isn’t breathing and they don’t have a pulse, you should begin CPR immediately.

Chest Pain 

Many physicians treat chest pain as though it’s a heart attack. They believe anyone can have a heart attack. In the case of chest pain, you should call 911 immediately, check for breathing and circulation. Are they breathing? Is there circulation? Do they have a pulse? If not, begin CPR. 


Assessing bleeding victims’ is a simple process that requires a little more deliberation than someone who has just fainted. People can bleed a lot without it being a medical emergency. However, there are specific instances when bleeding necessitates emergency services. 

For example, if someone with high blood pressure has a nosebleed, you might have to play damage control. The same goes for people on blood thinners. Bleeding may also signify more serious conditions such as cut tendons. 

A good rule of thumb for bleeding is if it concerns you, you should call 911 or visit the hospital. Most physicians advise against the use of tourniquets unless the patient is in severe condition and losing an abnormal amount of blood at an unmanageable pace. 

Using a tourniquet when it isn’t needed can result in tissue damage. In many cases, it causes more damage than good.


Seizures warrant medical attention. Call 911 immediately. While waiting for the paramedics,  ensure the victim has space to endure the seizure. You should not attempt to put something in their mouth as it used to be advised earlier. 

This could potentially cause choking. You should watch the clock to see how long the seizure lasts so you can provide paramedics with that information when they arrive. 


During a choking emergency, check to see if the victim is coughing or whether they can’t breathe. You should not perform the Heimlich Maneuvre if the victim is only coughing, this could potentially have more damaging effects than benefits. Perform the Heimlich Maneuvre if it becomes clear that the person cannot clear the obstruction on their own.

Assess the Situation

It is important to remain calm and have a clear head before making any decisions. Emergency situations can sometimes be frustrating and scary if you panic. You should be in control of the situation to allow you to analyze the situation and determine if you can do anything to help ease the tension. There are times when there is nothing you can do, which is fine because there is no need to worry about admitting that you can’t do anything to help.

You can reassure other people on the scene who seem scared and nervous that the situation will be resolved when help arrives. It is important to note that you would rather be with someone by supporting them emotionally instead of taking an action that might harm them. If you are not sure about what to do, then do nothing at all and wait for the right person to arrive.

Think Before You Act

An emergency situation can make you panic and take the wrong actions. If you feel anxious, then take a deep breath and relax first before acting and making any decision. Sometimes things don’t always go according to how you expect them to go. This is why you should not blame yourself if the situation becomes worse. You can take some time to pause and relax every time you feel confused or panicky.

Locate the First Aid Kit

A basic first aid kit typically contains key tools for handling medical emergencies. A first aid kit has adhesive tape, a disinfectant, bandages, and other essential items. If you can’t find a first aid kit, then you can look around for substitutes. You should always have a first aid kit at home, in your car, and even at work.

Ask the Injured Person Basic Questions

If the patient is conscious, then it is crucial to determine their mental state to understand the extent of the injuries. If the injured person answers questions wrongly and appears confused, then the extent of the injuries might be severe. You can check if the victim is unconscious by touching them on the shoulder and asking them if they are okay. You can ask them to tell you their name, the date, and their age.

Use the Phone for Assistance Only

You should only use your phone to call for help because your full attention should always be on the injured person. The phone might act as a distraction from taking care of the them. Call emergency services and inform them where you are and about the situation.

10 Tips to Keep in Mind When Responding to an Emergency 

Following tips will tell you ow to Respond to an Emergency Situation

1. Avoid Panicking 

The worst thing to do in most emergency situations is to panic. Panic paralyzes you and causes you to make rash decisions leading to things that shouldn’t happen during an emergency. 

2. Ensure Your Safety

Do not attempt to assess victims who put your life at risk. For example, if a burning building is on fire, you should not try to administer CPR to the victim in the building. If you can, remove them from the building and then administer CPR. However, the safest approach to this scenario is to wait until emergency responders arrive. 

3. The ABCs of Life Support

Make sure the airway is open, the breathing restores, and the victim maintains circulation.  If the victim fails to present any of these signals, you should perform CPR immediately. 

4. Check for Bleeding 

If bleeding is severe, apply pressure to the affected area with a clean cloth. If possible, wear protective gloves to prevent infection. 

5. Check for Signs of Shock 

Look for signs of shock and broken bones. 

6. Call 911 or Emergency Services ASAP 

If you need to call 911 or emergency services, do so quickly. 

7. Check for Emergency Identification

Check the victim for emergency identification.  

8. Loosen the Victim’s Clothing 

Loosening the victim’s clothing makes it easier for them to breathe. You should also check their person to see if there is anything else potentially constricting airflow. 

9. Avoid Feeding the Victim or Giving Them Oral Medication 

Attempting to feed a victim, give them water, or force medication into their mouth can pose choking hazards.

10. Avoid Moving the Victim

Avoid moving the victim unless there is an imminent threat on their location. Keep the victim still, warm (unless they have heat exhaustion or heat stroke), and calm if they are conscious. 


nderstanding how to respond to an emergency is no easy feat. Nothing can truly prepare you for the intense pressure and high-stakes emergencies. However, receiving emergency training helps you sharpen your skills so when the time comes, you don’t freeze. 

356,000 people die from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest every year in  the US alone. CPR-certified individuals can help double or even triple the survival rate of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The need for more CPR-trained individuals is glaring. Will you respond to the call? If you are looking to get certified or recertified in CPR online, visit CPRCare.com to learn more.