Essential Tips for Handling and Preparing for Medical Emergencies
Two person CPR Training

Last Updated On: mayo 29, 2024

Tips on How to Prepare For and Handle Medical Emergencies

Tips to help you be more prepared to handle medical emergencies whenever it arises to you or those around you.

Sicknesses and accidents happen daily. One can never be too prepared but at least they can try. Preparation is convenient and timesaving in case of any medical emergencies. Teaching your family simple things like first aid kit and which emergency numbers to dial for help may not seem much but could help save a life on a rainy day. Preparing for situations like this starts with enrolling for first aid CPR classes online before procuring other medical accessories. Do not put your family in confusion in that situation when your life is in danger and help is far away. Follow these tips and prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.

How to Prepare for an Emergency

1. Have ICE

Having ICE in this context does not mean having frozen water. These are initials for «In Case of Emergency» and entails everything to help a first aider help you in time of distress. It needs to have details like medical history, allergies or any other pre-existing conditions like diabetes, emergency contacts, and so on. This makes it easy for anyone to know who you are and how they could help you even if it is by calling a contact located in your ice either on a notebook or phone.

2. Divulge Your Doctor’s Contact to Your Family

There is no telling where you may be overwhelmed with sickness which is why your family should know how to contact your doctor. This can either be your husband, wife, or kids so that you get the help you need. Whenever the situation gets out of hand, and you cannot help yourself get medical assistance. With your doctor’s contact, there will be confusion. And besides, you stand to get help much faster than when an emergency number is dialed, and help delays.

3. Keep Aspirins in Your Cabinet

You must be wondering why aspirins, but here is why this medication is very handy for people with heart problems. Whenever you feel like there is chest pain and you may be having a heart attack. Contact your doctor or any other medical assistance line and take aspirin in their correct prescription. Aspirin prevents blood clots that would otherwise block your heart arteries depriving the heart and brain oxygenated blood. One adult aspirin tablet will be fine or two to three baby aspirin dosage to contain the situation.

4. Label or Name Your Medication Accordingly

Most medications almost look alike and without any naming or labeling, a lot of confusion could arise. Especially from the dosages or prescriptions. Ensure that all your medication is in their rightful containers and are properly labeled with clear names and dosages. Some doctors even go ahead to advise their patients to have a photo of their medicine in their wallets. Just in case of any emergencies to speed up how help is administered.

5. Learn How to Do CPR

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a handy skill that helps both heart attacks and cardiac arrest victims. You never know who may collapse before you and need chest compressions or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to be revived.


You can enroll for first aid CPR classes online through American CPR Care Association and equip yourself with the necessary skills to be a fully certified first aider.