Quick Guide: Standard CPR Procedures for Emergencies
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Last Updated On: septiembre 6, 2024

Standard CPR Procedures for Emergency Situations

The benefits of learning CPR are quite understated, and if possible, most adults and even teenagers should be able to perform CPR when needed. A person that has the knowledge and can perform CPR well will be a lifesaver when the need arises. In some workplaces, of well aware of the procedure of doing first aid and CPR. In fact, a CPR course online comes handy. It is no wonder, most people in voluntary organizations also learn about CPR. These people are well trained and equipped to deal with victims in case of an emergency.

It is advised that everybody learn how to perform CPR. You may one day, find yourself in a situation where you need to offer CPR assistance and you can learn how to do it right by taking a CPR course online. These courses are well detailed and will provide you with the necessary skills that you must know about this life-saving procedure. With that being said, we will go through the basics of CPR for people looking to understand more about this technique.

What to Do in Case of an Emergency

As a person who has attained the skillset of performing CPR, you should know the necessary procedures in case of an emergency. The normal CPR procedure that is performed in the case of an emergency is known as CAB. CAB is an acronym for chest compression, airway opening, and breathing for the patients. However, there are always slight adjustments to these procedures. Hence, it is advisable for people who have previous knowledge of CPR to remain updated about the latest adjustments.

What to Do if the Victim is Unresponsive

In a situation whereby the victim is unresponsive, or the chest of the victim refuses to indicate a breathing movement. What are you going to do next? When you go through CPR courses, you would be taught that you have to perform chest compressions on the victim. Chest compressions, in this case, is about 100. You should make sure that while performing this, the victim’s head is tilted backward. After this is done, then you can go on with the normal CAB procedure again.

What You Must do While Performing CPR?

There are some things that must be done while performing CPR. These are also part of the CPR skills that you would be taught in a CPR class. These skills involve the body posture of the person performing the CPR, as well as how the CAB is being performed. Actually, there are a lot of necessary body postures. But the most important one is that while performing the chest compression, make sure that you are using both hands. Also, the elbows should be locked and be exactly over the victim’s chest.

CPR can help a person stay alive, and it is very essential that these skills are well mastered. Also, remember that performing CPR in case of an emergency has to be as soon as possible.

Finally, when learning CPR do not practice it on a real person. In CPR classes, there are mannequins designed for this purpose. The online courses also present a clear graphical representation of how to go about the procedure.


If you are considering getting your CPR Certification, visit American CPR Care Association. We offer blended and online courses that are simplistic and comprehensive. Visit our website to learn more or contact us.