What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest | Importance Of CPR
cardiac arrest and cpr

Last Updated On: septiembre 24, 2024

All About Cardiac Arrest and Why CPR is the Immediate Remedy

Almost everyone can attest that cardiac arrest can happen at any time and in any situation without a warning. Often, even those that look healthy can have a cardiac arrest out of the blue. In 2016, there were about 350,000 cases of cardiac arrest that happened outside the vicinity of hospitals. Studies show that those having a cardiac arrest outside the hospital only have approximately 12% chance of surviving. The percent rate could go up by four times if CPR is administered as soon as possible. Moreover, a professional medical certificate is not required to perform CPR. This is why it is important for people to undergo online CPR training on how to properly do CPR and deal with emergency situations.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest

The heart functions because of electricity. You might not know it but a human heart has its own “pacemaker”. This is the SA node which is responsible for sending electric signals to cells surrounding the heart. These signals then commence a process where the heart contracts and releases. This enables the heart to pump blood to different parts of the body to get them functioning. Note that even if the heart rate can go fast or slow, there should always be the maintenance of the pulse. If the beating of the heart has become irregular, that is a clear sign that you are under cardiac arrest. When this happens, the electrical system of the heart goes haywire, causing a disruption in the flow of blood to other parts of the body, including the brain. The whole arrest can only take a few seconds. The victim will immediately lose consciousness. The pulse will be gone and worse, the victim could die if no immediate remedy is done.

Importance of CPR

Now that you know how sudden cardiac arrest could be fatal. It is now time to know about the most effective method of treatment: CPR. It is said that CPR, even by someone who has no training is always better than doing nothing while waiting for professional help to come. When a person administers CPR to a victim, they act like they are the heartbeat of the victim, doing the tasks of the heart. Pumping blood to different parts of the body manually. This allows blood to deliver oxygen to different organs even if the heart is not functioning naturally. In the past few years, professionals believed that rescue breaths are vital to give oxygen to a victim’s blood who is experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. However today, the guidelines have been improved. So the process becomes simpler and easier to learn. This change has been triggered by studies that found out that there is a better chance of survival if hands-only CPR is given to a victim. When a victim is in cardiac arrest, their brain cells start dying between 4-6 minutes because of the lack of blood flow. After that, the chances of reviving those brain cells can significantly drop 10% each minute.


When you receive online CPR training, you will know what to do to avoid death when someone near you suddenly goes into cardiac arrest.