Overcome Your Fear or Performing CPR
performing CPR fear

Last Updated On: octubre 17, 2024

Overcoming the Fear of Performing CPR

Many people share the common fear of performing CPR. Some common thoughts may be around injuring the person more, getting sued, breaking the ribs, etc. Take a moment to think about the following to help overcome the fear that may come with performing CPR.
There are numerous possibilities of scary thoughts that cross the mind of a first aid rescuer before they offer their emergency services. Some may lack the courage or hesitate to deal with the situation especially if the injury is serious. Training will make you feel more confident and prepared in the moment. So, you may ask, «Where can I get CPR certified?» Training online is the most efficient way to learn how to prepare yourself to help in an emergency situation.

Fear of Worsening the Injuries

This fear lies in the minds of many. Once you receive the proper knowledge on how to treat a victim, you will have the opportunity to practice your knowledge and skills. Through the training, you will learn that a person in cardiac arrest may not survive anyways. You can only help now. Good training will reassure your confidence and help you do the right CPR procedure to save the victim’s life as heart attacks and cardiac arrests could be tragic if help is delayed. You will learn the steps pre, during and post CPR for an infant, child and adult. Once you understand these concepts, your worry of worsening the injury will be limited.

The Possibility of Charges Being Placed

Studies show that within four to six minutes post a cardiac arrest, brain death could occur. CPR could double or even triple the chances of survival. Those who do not receive CPR have a decreased survival rate. Most accidents occur outside of the hospital and it is extremely important to receive immediate CPR. A bystander stepping in to perform CPR could be a difference of life and death.
There are different states that have Good Samaritan laws protecting bystanders and medical experts against charges. It is required to ask permission pre performing CPR, but the consent is already implied if they are not able to respond. You could, however, be sued if your action is obviously considered reckless or negligent. The same goes for leaving the victim after you have already started your care. Also, it is important to not go outside of what you learned in training (i.e. performing a procedure outside of CPR when you are only trained in CPR). Lastly, if a victim has a DNR and you are aware of it, you have to follow that and not perform CPR. With this in mind, hopefully, people understand the means to perform CPR properly and do not shy away in fear of being sued.

Fear of Incompetency

This is also another fear that keeps bystanders away from giving their assistance to injured victims. Performing CPR for the first time with no field experience brings more fear, but is very common. Therefore, it is important to stay up to date on your certificate to refresh your memory and your skills. Many CPR online companies also offer a hands-on approach, where you can practice your learned skills on a manikin. This will likely improve your confidence in your own ability.

Window to Contract Diseases

This is yet another cause of fear for people who do not carry their kit with them. Important protective gear like gloves is necessary for first aid. The victim may have communicable diseases and attempting CPR with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation could pass the communicable infections. Mouthguards are very important in giving mouth to mouth CPR. If you face this fear, decide how you can keep your kit with you.


Where can I get CPR certified is a query that should disturb you no longer. Earn your CPR and first aid training certificate online today and become a pro lifesaver.