The Vital Importance of CPR: Lifesaving Skills Unveiled
Importance of CPR

Last Updated On: septiembre 23, 2024

The Importance of CPR

CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, has become a household term. As one of the first life-saving techniques widely taught, many of us are familiar with this combination of chest compression and rescue breaths. Not only is this process simple enough for children to learn, but it’s also powerful enough to save lives. Far too many people fail to realize the impact that the steps of CPR can have in an emergency situation.

When CPR is properly performed, it allows for oxygen to continue reaching the brain and dramatically reduces the chance of brain damage in the victim. CPR is most effective as an intermediary between the time of the actual emergency and the arrival of professional medical attention. Even for those without CPR certification and who may not be sure of their CPR skills, you can still provide chest compressions until someone better trained can take over. Chest compressions keep the blood circulating throughout the body, which reduces the potential for permanent damage.

With so many lives lost every year to cardiac arrest, there’s no reason we all shouldn’t be trained in performing CPR. While traditional, in-person CPR and basic first aid classes are often found in community centers and hospitals, more people are seeing the advantages of online CPR certification. These 100 percent online courses are ideal for those already working full-time or who may not be able to fit in regularly scheduled classes. With CPR classes online, you can learn at your pace and schedule and instantly download proof of certification once you pass the final quiz. It’s truly never been easier to earn your CPR certification or CPR recertification.

With an online course, you have access to all of the necessary materials to learn the proper and updated way to perform CPR and other medical techniques. After studying and committing the information to memory, you’ll be asked to take a test. After you’ve completed this test with a passing score, you will be awarded your CPR certificate.

The American CPR Care Association is dedicated to enabling as many people as possible to take action in the event of a medical emergency. This commitment guides us as we’ve developed comprehensive and student-centered classes that can have CPR certified in a matter of days. Our entire catalog of certification courses, including CPR, CPR/AED, and First Aid courses, makes it possible for any individual to learn these important, life-saving skills.

In this blog, we walk through the critical steps of CPR to understand the importance of this life-saving process. We also look at some of the benefits of earning your CPR certification 100 percent online.


1. Chest compressions

Before beginning CPR, ensure the scene is safe and that the victim is lying flat on their back. Interlock both hands with your dominant hand above the other and place them at the bottom of the victim’s breastbone. Straighten your arms and lock your elbows to allow you to deliver full force. For the compressions, press in about two inches into the individual’s chest and repeat compressions up to 120 times a minute.

2. Open the airway

Following chest compression, you should then open the victim’s airway. This step simply involves tilting their head back and adjusting their chin gently so their airway can receive the oxygen from your rescue breaths. If you don’t see their chest rise when providing rescue breaths, you may need to reposition their airway.

3. Rescue breaths

The most advanced step of CPR requires the rescuer to form an airtight seal around the mouth of the victim. Then, they must provide two rescue breaths for every thirty compressions. If you aren’t trained in providing rescue breaths, it’s advisable to skip this step and just focus on the chest compressions. Some research has shown that chest compressions alone can be as effective as the combination of the two steps.


As compared to traditional models, there are many reasons to consider enrolling in an online class for your CPR certification or CPR recertification. Due to the convenience, speed, and costs, there are many benefits to choosing this method. Here’s a closer look at the key benefits of choosing online CPR classes:

1. Convenience

There’s no more convenient approach to learning CPR than through an online course. You can sign up for and begin these classes at any time. You can also start and stop the classes to fit your schedule.

2. Speed

If you need your certification fast, there’s no better way than with an online CPR certification class. Designed to fit your schedule, you can take these classes as fast (or as gradual) as you need.

3. Instant verification.

After you’ve completed your certification course, you’re just one click away from having instant verification. Following the final quiz, you can download and print your verification card, making this an ideal method for those who may need this for their professions.


Every year, hundreds of thousands of lives are lost in this country to cardiac arrest, making it one of the leading causes of death. Compared to other causes, such as cancer, much of the damage inflicted by cardiac arrest can be prevented, or slowed, with a life-saving procedure that anyone can learn. CPR truly saves lives.

Learn more about what you can and the importance of CPR by signing up for a CPR certification course. These classes provide the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enable a bystander to take action in the event of many different medical emergencies. Now that you can earn this CPR certification entirely online, there’s no better time to take advantage of this opportunity.

For information on our full range of medical certification classes, check out the American CPR Care Association blog or reach out to us via our contact page today. We’re excited to help you on your journey of learning more and becoming a more confident citizen.